Monday, July 28, 2008

Take the Time Necessary

Today I was taking a few job orders from a specific company. They had a few needs and were clearly short staffed. I was asking questions that were necessary to fill the positions. The hiring manager was very busy and I don’t have all that I need to fill the position. Sure, I have the basics. But I don’t know about the culture of the company. I don’t know the dress code or the schedule. Until I find all this information out, I am not really going to be able to best exemplify my company the first try. I know I am not always a fun person to talk to and some of my questions may seem trivial, but I am only trying to get things right. A few extra minutes in the beginning may save days to weeks in the long run when searching for a candidate. Please take the time initially to allow the recruiters to do the best of their abilities.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Homework is not Just for Students

You have a big interview tomorrow. You have already made your dry run to the company. Make sure to do the next obvious item, do research on the company. Do not come unprepared. You should know every product/service this company offers. If there is something you do not understand, that is a good question to pose during the interview. You should always have a few questions that have nothing to do with salary. In fact, on a first interview, don’t even mention anything about salary. Remember, an interview is a two way street. Just because they want to hire you, does not mean that the company is a good fit for you. Do your homework. If you have any specific questions regarding what to look up, email me at this link.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So many of you have asked me to write on a variety of topics. Without these questions, this column will not be able to last. I appreciate that, and want you to continue to come up with different topics to cover regarding the job world. As much as I think I know (a lot), I continue to read up on so many issues and ask the experts the questions. If you have a question that I cannot answer, it is my job to find the answer through the proper channels. I won't even give you my old teacher response and say "great question, why don't you look up the answer and tell the class". I have said that at least once in my life, but I promise not to do that again. If you have any questions regarding hiring, or you are looking for a position or might some day, please email me here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Resume 101

As a former school teacher it amazes me what we teach and don't teach students today. I know how important all of the subjects in school are (especially Social Studies). But every day I see resumes that will not land even the best students a job. There should be a mandatory workshop in every high school and university in the country teaching these kids how to build a proper resume. Not only that, but popular programs like Microsoft Word and others even have a template that you can copy and put your own information into the proper places. If you are struggling for a position, and you think your resume might have something to do with it, contact your local staffiing company or a resume expert.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Give Yourself Credit

Hiring managers and most professionals are very busy people. If they are looking to hire somebody that has previous experience, they want to see that on a resume. For a typical position a manager might receive 30 resumes for an open position. Out of those 30 resumes, only three might get a chance at an interview. Now while scanning resumes, they might be looking for certain buzz words and or positions. If these words, phrases, or titles are not there, the resume will get recycled. Make sure you explain all of your duties at your previous positions. It might not seem important, but it might cost you an opportunity for an interview. And remember this is only the first step. Make sure to spell out all the duties of your previous positions, because if it is left off a resume it can your chances at lending your next job.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Check References

I know that there are several steps in the hiring process. I know how important they all are, but no matter what, check references of previous employers. It costs roughly 7K to enroll someone on your benefits, not to mention the thousands of dollars in training you are spending on your new employee. Make sure the candidate worked as hard and had the same attitude at previous workplaces as she/he claimed to have in their interview. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please email me.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Social Networking

I've already touched up on what the impact of Myspace and Facebook can have on the hiring process. On the flip side there is valuble networking and information on these sites. Just remember to scan the content and make sure only information you want hiring managers and bosses to see is visible.

If you have any questions regarding the hiring and or interviewing process, please email me at I promise to get to it as soon as possible. I have also been lucky to get feedback from many hiring managers. Thank you everbody.

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Important than a Resume

A lot of things I say on here tend to be a contradiction. Unfortunately, the people business is not a science. We also get a feel for the intangibles that might not show on a resume. We might see the energy in our initial conversation with candidates that might not be visible on a resume. When and if you choose to go to an agency to fill a position, ask why we sent a specific resume. Know that some firms might be sending you an unqualified candidate, but that others might have found that rising star that might seem like a stretch, but is the perfect fit and the start of a long and mutually beneficial relationship.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Independence Day is Near

Enjoy this time with your friends and family. The economy is growing at a slow pace. Prices at the pumps are through the roof. I can't even get a BLT in many places with the salmonella scare going on. Friends and family that is what we can celebrate. When the holiday weekend is over, it is time to get ourselves in gear and get that resume, job description, and everything we are working on completed. But enjoy the weekend and the festivities and remember what the holiday is about. Happy Independence Day and have a safe holiday weekend.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dress to Impress

I have interviewed hundreds of people over the last 3 years. The first thing I notice when interviewing a candidate is what is she/he wearing? It shows a lot when the person takes the time to look their best, and it does go a long way. I know this may seem obvious for many, but a lot of people don’t understand, that there is usually more than one person interviewing for a job. That is the first portion of the competition and sometimes the last impression you will leave after the interview. No matter the position, over dress for the interview. Give yourself the best opportunity to land the job. Have everything ready the day before and that way you still have the opportunity to find replacement clothes or alterations.